Welcome to DeliKarte!
Geographical Data is constantly getting more and more important in our information society.
They are used to calculate essential information about street lines for route planning, to geocode address information,
the mapping of administrative boundaries, or for the individual analysis of privately owned spatial or customer related data.
The connection of business related information to precise, digital geographical objects, delivers a wast amount
of unrenounceable possibilities to generate new information about your allready stored data.
Highly complex data from different data sources teamed up with the latest developements in geometrical and business dataprocessing
and -analysing software, generate a hard to see through amount of possibilities and make the effective production
of results a real challange, even for specialists.
Competent Services
To realize your ideas of getting the most out of your data through geographical analysis
and cartographical and thematical mapping, we are here to support you at any point of this process:
Starting with the planing, the realization and the training in the use of inidividual system setups.